I have a little knitting and stitching themed kit that's nearly done, too -- done mostly in Paint Shop Pro with one or two items that used the help of some of the capabilities of Photoshop. I think I'll be using a little of both from now on, at least until I get used to everything in PS. There are some things I can do in PSP that I haven't quite figured out in PS so there will be a lot of switching between programs until I feel comfortable. I'm pretty excited about some things I learned today and I even started on a mini kit (resulting from some PS experiments with my favourite shades of pink!) that I'll eventually finish for those of you out there that love pink as much as I do. So many kits on the go and so many more ideas bouncing around in my head that I want to make! There just aren't enough hours in the day.
To snag Asparagus linen paper pack #1, click HERE. Hope you like it :) Don't forget to read the TOU, blah blah you know the routine. Personal, non-commercial use only and all that. Enjoy! And be sure to leave me a note if you liked the paper :)
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